Die Haushaltslücke von mindestens 130 Mrd € hat übrigens der (zu recht geschasste) Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) zu verantworten. Der kommissarische Finanzminister Jörg Kukies (SPD) konnte da nur noch erstaunt feststellen was sein Vorgänger verbockt hat. #JustSayin
@pluralistic ChatGPT claims to know how to do this. #justsayin’ #dontblockme!
@gumnos you may also wish to look up what “con” means in French. #justsayin
Edit: off topic really
Sometimes I “like” posts here that totally go against my opinion, simply because I recognise the struggle that other people have because they have a very different lived experience from mine. I try to listen and learn and to never judge. #justsayin
Every 3 years, German statistics on (industrial) use of water are published by destatis. The newest numbers, comparing 2022 to 2019 shows: industrial use of water *dropped* by around 17%, that’s 2.56 billion cubic metres less.
Main reason: switching off the last 3 nuclear power plants. That alone saved 2.03 billion cubic metres.
Press release in German: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2025/02/PD25_068_32311.html
FTR, if you think you're "funny" or "edgy" to use whatever weird letter combination to avoid writing Elon Musk or Donald Trump, know that you are annoying people (like me) that have filters set on his name and a few other things to keep their timeline the way they prefer. Your "funny variations" will make me block you. #JustSayin (and please read my first reply before you jump into the "yes, but" mode, thx!)
I aim for a 3:1 ratio on original posts to boosts from posts I think my followers will find interesting. This is how we build the decentralised "algorithm" that centralised networks do in their proprietary way for the timeline. #JustSayin
Honestly, the freak out on social media about the implementation of #Project2025 seems quaint to me considering that so many of us posted so many warnings about not allowing it to happen before the election.
It would have been a lot better if y'all had of freaked out before November 5th #JustSayin
The Venn diagram between transparency and privacy has no overlap. And that is the way it must be. Two realms. While the technology we use for privacy should be transparent as hell, open source, open standards, verifiably secure, whatever I put in there for my friends and followers MUST stay between us. #JustSayin
Und in #Nimwegen kostet es nur 12€/Jahr. #JustSayin
In #München kostet ein Anwohnerparkausweis 30€/Jahr. In Bonn 365€/Jahr. #JustSayin (und ja, ich weiss, es gibt ein paar wenige Parklizenzgebiete in München wo 102€ für Verbrenner verlangt werden)
Every. Time. I. Post. about #Signal, the first few comments are "$OTHERAPP is better, IMHO, you shouldn't use Signal".
I hope you know that what you are doing with such comments is to drive "normal" people out there from making ANY decision to give it a try. Because what they read is that Signal isn't good but that the alternatives promoted are also weird. Hence they stick with what they have.
#JustSayin Maybe keep your sea-lioning and ego at bay? #kthxbai
I'm done being as polite as possible over some of this crap, #JustSayin
Not in the mood to put up with Elon Musk defenders.
If you don't want for Tesla to go bankrupt than you are part of the problem imo.
Keep your friends close. Keep your AI closer. You can run a load of models on your laptop or server. With minimal inference costs. #Justsayin
Retro computing channels should use the 4:3 aspect ratio, just like in the good ole CRT TV days. (and embed videotext signals with surprise content ;) #JustSayin
I hope some really good investigative journalist team is looking at every step Peter Thiel makes. Musk and Zuckerberg are public faces, but the, IMHO, real evil billionaire with the biggest behind the scenes influence is Thiel and he knows how to stay out of the public limelight. #JustSayin
Worrying is their self centered megalomanic ego trip, not realizing that they are the remaining world power, armed to their teeth with weapons of all kind, and with all the private data of the worlds population.
That said, having in mind that apparently you, being in charge of several #mastodon instances in the #fediVerse, are not able to fix the #robotsTxt of them while wasting time about talking of other countries internal affairs is kinda embarrassing.