Ich hatte schon ewig ein Konto für #OpenStreetMap, aber hab nie was gemacht, weil ich immer dachte „Ist ja alles schon drin“. Hatte mir jetzt vor einiger Zeit vorgenommen, doch mal damit anzufangen und siehe da, unser Tierarzt war noch gar nicht in der Karte. Jetzt ist er drin
As you might know, the area of #BahiaBlanca, #Argentina has suffered dramatic flooding in the past few days, receiving the equivalent of its annual rainfall in just a few hours.
We have started mapping the most critical areas, and we are now publishing projects in #HOT's Tasking Manager, 2025 Argentina Floods campaign, where projects will be posted as needed.
We invite you to participate, it is an intermediate mapping of sometimes dense areas. https://bit.ly/ARGFloods
I'd like to create a map from #osm #openstreetmap with e.g. all regions outside of 1km distance from supermarkets (or just any specific kind of POIs) e.g. within the city of munich (or some lon/lat-region). What's an sensible approach for that? Probably there is some documentation, but I fail to find an appropriate starting point (and should run on a debian linux desktop, or on the web). Any hints for me, or what path I should take?
The OSM Local Chapters & Communities Congress 2025 (LCCC 2025) is a virtual event where leaders and members of various OSM communities come together to share stories and learn from each other. The next annual congress will take place on 15th March 2025
#OSM #OpenStreetMap #gischat #maps #LCCC
New Paper on AI-Generated Buildings in #OpenStreetMap
A new study offers a glimpse on how #AI is shaping the mapping community, using the ohsome API and the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB):
AI-generated buildings are unevenly distributed (with 75% concentrated in the USA, Nigeria, Algeria, India, and Kenya).
AI-generated data is modified less frequently than human data.
AI-assisted mapping shows a positive correlation with population size.
The pTerry #JOSM plugin adds `GNU Terry Pratchett` to the overhead in the #OpenStreetmap “clacks” (changeset tags).
OpenStreetMap US discovers Craft Mappers, but insists on calling them “Super Mappers”.
> I came across more Super Mappers who reside in cities where they map. These mappers are a tremendous resource as they understand local pedestrian regulations, understand areas of need, and perform quality checks to improve data consistency
One thing I started to contribute more is #openstreetmap with all my local knowledge: shops with opening times, water fountains, vending machines… I’m glad when I see those in #organicMaps a couple of days later
En.osm.town is a Mastodon server for OpenStreetMap fans on the Fediverse. Funding graciously provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
You can find out more at https://en.osm.town/about or contact the admins @compass and @amapanda
#OpenStreetMap ist ein kollaborativer Sport. Wenn dir etwas auf der Karte fehlt, füge es hinzu. Wenn dir das zu kompliziert ist, dann hinterlass einen Hinweis.
Ich als Mapper schaue auch gerne mal ob es obsolete Notes / Hinweise gibt. Das beste Tool dafür ist https://ent8r.github.io/NotesReview/
Und am Ende: wenn #OSM besser wird, gibt es weniger Gründe G00gleMaps zu nutzen #unplugtrump
Why join OpenStreetMap US? Our members say it best:
"“I am a member of OpenStreetMap US because the US community has been super supportive and helpful when I was a newbie. There's so much to learn, I wanted to share back with something other than just my edits.”
Are you a member yet? It's easy to join: https://buff.ly/lI34y1F
Had some time today to make some improvements to #OpenStreetMap . The map now looks a lot better!
Excellent news! Nominatim maintainer Sarah Hoffmann will be paid for a year by @sovtechfund to work on OSM stuff!
If you've on a limb and curious about contributing photos to @panoramax , for use with #OpenStreetMap, and you're looking for an app to use, checkout this app, Baba
or install via #FDroid , with the #IzzyOnDroid repo enabled:
It uses beautiful #MapLibre tiles, and the overall experience for a contributor is so much smoother than just using a general purpose cam app like #OpenCamera
Das Wetter musste ich heute Nachmittag nutzen, um die neu verlegte Süddeutsche Erdgasleitung im Abschnitt Heilbronn–Löchgau für #OpenStreetMap (und #OpenInfraMap) zu erfassen. An den Feldwegrändern ist dort, wo die Trasse kreuzt, noch kein Gras gewachsen. Auf den Feldern ist die Trasse aber kaum noch sichtbar. Also allerhöchste Zeit. Und die Graswege sind gerade auch staubtrocken, was bei den dortigen Böden die Beradelbarkeit deutlich verbessert.
On International Women's Day, we stand against the patriarchy that has long silenced women’s voices in tech and mapping. But today, we celebrate the women pushing back—building, coding, and creating maps for a more equal world.
The fight isn’t over, but together, we’ll map a future of justice, freedom, and inclusion. Let’s keep mapping.
Ich würde #openstreetmap wirklich gerne regelmäßig für „mal eben schnell raussuchen“-Suchanfragen nutzen, aber…
@tobi hallo. Ich bin sehr aktiv in OpenStreetMap. (Ich bin aber Irin, mit Katholicen hindergrund). Kann ich dir helfen?
In #OpenStreetMap selbst kann man “Any Tags You Like” hinfügen. Man kann `cuisine=isreali` oder du willst. Du hast Organic Maps gebenutzt? Du musst leider mit die Entwickler*innen von dieser App reden, um etwas einzubauen.
Es gibt übrigens auch `cuisine=regional`, Ich sehe viele von diese Tags in Isreal.
@giggls [2/3] The OpenCampingMap is an #OpenStreetMap based map that shows campsites, bivouac sites, and other overnight accommodations for cyclists, hikers and RV travelers.
Once the map layer is active, all campsites are displayed with icons. Clicking on an icon shows all relevant information about the campsite.
The feature is currently in beta but should mostly work. Available from zoom level 10.